Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yesterday was an interesting day for me since it was my first time running the live like the chaampion class. So my teammates and I finsh working out and everything, but Mr.G wasnt their so somebody asked whos running the Live class that day. John Looks towards me and say I am, which makes start thinking well maybe he'll stay to help me out. But why would I stay in charge if he was going to be their, so he starts packing and I ask him well what should I do. He tells me to give everyone repetition, and the first thing that pops into mind is the last Live class I had. I remember sweating and soreness, so I get an idea of what to do. I first have them do 100 push ups, sit ups, squats, lounges, and if they were done I had them do jumping jacks or jog in place. After that I put up stations for everyone , 1 station round house kick, 2 push kick, 3 running wall to wall. John came in and decided to give me a hand so we created different station. We had everyone do combinations for a minute straight. Punching on the bags, kicks on pad which John and I held. To end the day we gave everyone a minute of non stop action. Which was do what ever combination you can think of non stop. After we stopped, lined up and said our pledge. We all gave each other high fives, and we ended the day. That day I learned how it feels to lead the team, and I am thankful that John gave me the privilege to lead the team. It was a learning experience for me. During the 100 sets, I got this idea that I needed to compete with everyone. So I would push myself to finish faster then what I regularly do. I think that day we all got a good workout. Again thank you John for trusting me with leading the class that day.

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