Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Test Requirements

So for my next test I am required to do 3 acts of kindness at home. Another 3 at school and another in the community. They all have to be enviormental acts of kindness. So what I did I did some research on what I could, and so far I have the first three down. What I did as an act of kindness, is turn off all the light that are not needed . At my house we tend to forget about the lights in our rooms we leave them on for a long time. Every few minutes I would go and check if any light was on that nobody was using and if their was I would turn them off, this conserves energy. My second thing was cutting the time I take to shower and all hot water I use. This way I'm not throwing way water and the energy from the house's water heater. My third act is separating plastic from the trash. Somebody tends to put plastic and trash in the same bag. Then throw it away in the trash can. So what I did was open the bag and pull out all the recyclables, so that way they could be separated. After I just through every thing away in their proper place.
For school I've only done one and it was pick up trash after school. I'm still working on that one but that's my act of kindness. Now I'm having a bit of a difficulty figuring out what else could I do for my school and my community. Any Ideas anyone, your ideas will be greatly appreciated.

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