Monday, March 1, 2010

Food help/ My WALL

I know this might be a little different from my previous entry's, but as part of black belt test I'm required to push through the walls I face. Right now I'm facing that wall, the good thing is that I'm able to ask for help anytime I want. So that's the purpose for this post, I need help eating because I know the way I'm eating will cause damage to my body and its performance. So this is what I'm having trouble with. I wake up in the morning and I have my cereal. I'm usually in a hurry so I eat from my cereal from a cup. Now for my lunch that's were I have been or from my perspective is the source of my problem. I don't eat lunch at school, so I basically don't eat until I get home which is dinner. Sure I'm just missing a meal but I have to go though tough work outs and I'm reaching for a performance that I have a hard time getting without my lunch. Its like in the morning you fill your cars tank half way just to get by to lunch. Where you should fill it back up half way again. But you don't and you run on an empty tank. You push your car through tough uphills making you cars engine push. But the what happens, is that at some point you damage your cars gas fuel pump. So I'm risking damaging my body by hoping to last until dinner, and even that is bad. Sure I eat but, I end up eating a bit to much trying to eat what I didn't for lunch. So asking for help making a diet for myself. I'm open to everything so Ill listen to all of your ideas for a good diet.

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