Thursday, March 25, 2010

Learning a new form

Today's training was really good since we got to work on the basics of balance and strength building. For this we used weights and our basic front and center stance. Today wasn't for how many repetition of a stance we could do but how long we can hold hat stance. For me after we started moving down the room, the second the step was getting hard. But after I started to get the hang of everything. The bad thing to that was that, that was after we finished. So we did that for the first class. Another reason for today's pick in what to do was because the school I go to is having week with out walls. So Mr. G just wanted those who were planning on going to the trip, to be ready for whats planned during the trip. We don't want nobody to be unprepared for whats up ahead. After class I got with my friend Emmanuel ( sorry if I spelled your name wrong) and I asked him if he could show me pagwae 7 since it's a requirement for my belt test. After a few runs through the form I got the hand of it and was able to perform the form on my own. But I couldn't just keep on practicing since we had a another class coming ready to start. This time we worked on push up and crunches. Along with kicks and some running/ jogging, since were going to need stamina for the trip. But that was a little rough, so I got what I needed to learn to perform my kick better and made it a note to myself to practice. After class I went through pagwae 7 again and was able to do it good. Just need to practice to make perfect or better then how I do it now. But the thing that made my day today would be the creation of about 2/4 of my creative form. I just need to figure out an ending and check if anything else is needed for this form. The creative form is for my BB test, so I happy that I was able to do that, this was today's training.

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