Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another day at the park

Man yesterday was intense, I could not believe what I accomplished that day. I along with the group of Martial artist ran about 6 miles back and forth. Up and down hills to the point were I didn't think I could take another step. Plus running 2 miles in about 3 minutes was something I did not know I could do. To make thing a bit more interesting I was already sweating and tired from the first time I climbed that exact hill. But to my amazement, I was able to reach the top first, even though I was the last one down. It's OK, it was a time race any ways but I still wanted to be first to finish. Not because I wanted to win for the reason of proving I'm faster but to give everyone competition. If somebody passed me going up, I tried catching up and passing which I did. But caused me to take a quick breather, and then when I got to the bottom I was ready to go to sleep. But I kept going still having to run much more. Close to end of the run one our team mates got injured so we all stopped to see what we could all do to help. The good thing was that one of our other team members was already on it. We stayed with him until Mr. G caught up with us to check out the injury. After everything was checked out we helped him up and continued our run. We all finished together as a team, on that run I give ourselves a ten.

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