Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Helping Paw

Today's is Wednesday and so far I haven't trained with the Martial arts class since Monday and to add to all of that I lost my voice so if any one finds it please return it my throat is in pain every time I try to talk with out it. But that doesn't mean I took a vacation from my training. What I did to make sure I got usual work out was put all of my focus legs and arms. But I think I did something I wasn't supposes to with my legs because every time I would try to do a kick I get the feeling of a cramp starting to happen underneath my cabs in both legs. I'm been thinking that maybe I twisted or sprang my cab or something. But who knows, OK so what I did on Tuesday which was the first day I didn't go to class was go out to the courts since there was no class that day. I met up with my friends Manh and Irene who were both training for Basket ball next year. I asked if I could join and they kindly said yes, that's when training began. I would say that, that afternoons training was based on a good leg work out. Involving running, suicides, side stepping, and lounges. We did all of that for an hour and after we just left the courts.
Manh and I went to the quad so we could play a game of yu-gi-oh. We were joined by a few friends who decided to watch until they had to leave. After that Mr. R came outside and we taught him how to play and etc. A few hours later I'm at home feeding my dog Duke, my red nose pit bull. I was giving him his food and after I threw a ball around. From this I found my new training partner, he loves a good run so I started to chasing him around using side step. Then we switched and he was the chaser, using his super dog powers he made start sprinting, which didn't last to long since the sprints got us both tired. I put his chain on him and we called it a day. Today though he was ready and gave me a good run. I know he's enjoying this as much as I'm, every time I see him now he just barks as if he offering a rematch.

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