Tuesday, March 2, 2010

today 3-2-10

Today was a hard work out, and an excellent part to my black belt. From here to May, every thing is apart of my black belt test. We did push ups, and all the other warm ups. But being apart of ITC I had to push my self through that hard, or in other words, make sure I start burning through that. It was intense, and fun at the same time. Well I had fun and thanks to Mr. Po, I was able to push my self to push him side to side. Man, out of the whole day the thing I remember is Mr. Po telling me "oh your in for a treat." He wasn't wrong, he had to drag me across the room and on the second drag we switch so I can get a turn dragging him. All I can say is it wasn't easy, but you know what, its times like these that make your day. After the dragging we switched to pushing each other across the room. That was a bit harder since I had to put my power in my arms since dragging people is just pushing your legs backwards and pulling. This time I had to push my power through Mr.Po and after we finished doing that we pushed each other with our feet. I can't really explain how that works but it as fun. Now I know I could of asked Mr.Po to put more weight on me but I'll just save that for next time. So the last thing I want to say is thanks everybody for your support and thank you Mr.Po for the challenge you gave me today. But don't worry Mr.Po next time I'll make sure to be able to drag as you dragged me.

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