Monday, March 1, 2010


Man today was tough, with all working out and pushing myself to get what I know I'm capable of.That's what ITC is, enhancing what we already do. So its like pushing yourself to get through your old limits. This class beat the crap out of me by the end the day. But its all good , this is what I want, a test everyday making me push. This like getting soaking your shirt in water and twisting it to get the water out. The thing is with ITC that your already being twisted and about to get twisted until your freshly dry again. At the end of class today I felt like I was going be so sore I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. But after a bath and a good night rest, I'll be OK. I can feel the burns on my feet and they sting as I take a step. But it makes me wonder whats in store for me in the future. I'm looking forward to it. The part I think sucks, I still have push ups to do along with a whole bunch of things. So I got a lot on my plate from now on.

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