Friday, March 5, 2010

Meeting a new Master

Yesterday was a day that had a huge impact on me. I've never had such a change come close since 11 months ago, and today I've been changed yet again. It's like everything I've done now can be enhanced to an even higher level I never thought about. All it took was a donation of 40 dollars and about two hours of my day. Maybe less since I walked in late by a couple of minutes. But regardless, yesterday I met Master Callos, and he's reminded me of what my true aim was from the start of my journey in the Martial arts. For this I am in total gratitude, and I know this will be a great help, not only in my path to black belt. But in life as well, again not only did Master Callos remind me of what I truly aimed for but also allowed me to make a silent vow to myself. To help those who are need of help.

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