Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mondays training

Monday was a good day, even though I started the class at a rough start I was able to push myself to high levels with my friend and teammate Pedro. It was a fun day at practice and it felt as if it was getting harder then the day before. We started of practice with leg training and then we moved on to push ups and sit ups. This was all done as a team of work out. So me Pedro had to push ourselves to reach that level ten. When we were doing push ups we completed 109 push ups. So to make things more challenging, we had to do double the amount of sit ups. So we were able to do 218 sit ups. It was something Hard for both of us but after talking to each other and pushing each to do harder we made it. After class I went home, took Duke for a walk and three sprints around a small portion of the neighborhood I called it a day. Coming home I caught up with my dad who's was barley getting and we entered our home together for dinner. Monday was a good day.

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