Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today was Good Day

Today was another Good day for me and I believe the rest of the class enjoyed it as well. I got a great work out on my legs and my arms. I would say I topped yesterday and that's something I'm proud of. Just making progress as all of these day's pass by is such a great feeling. Every time I come out of class and I've given it all that I got, including some more just proves to me that I was working at level 10. Plus another thing I would like to add is that I'm able to understand a whole lot more after. Everything just seems like the drama that was with it is nothing and I'm able to face it. But not only face it but actually beat it, I would say that I'm using the self defense that does not involve fists or kicks, but the self defense from your will. With every practice I know moving forward, and as I see all that is changing, I just want to keep walking this never ending trail of progressing. Just like I chose the way of a martial artist, I choose to keep and share all that I now with the people. Never leaving this path of progression in life, in the world, and anything that comes after.

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