Friday, March 5, 2010

My Mistake, My Example, My Lesson, My Vow

Last Wednesday I was going home from school, and I'm just going down the street looking at the house with a 72' Gran Torino out front.At the time I'm just thinking to myself one day I'm going to get that car. But as I go down further down the street, theirs a car in the lanes to turn right. At first I think nothing of it, but as we stop next it, I see that the car is off and the lady is having trouble moving it. I'm looking at that car for at least 4, 5 minutes and I do nothing. I just watch keep staring at the car trying to think of what could be wrong with it. It isn't until two guys get down from their car to go help push it out of the streets. After seeing them push the car, the light turns green and we go on with the day. All I'm thinking is why didn't I help out. When I get home I'm thinking and thinking, but nothing go's into my mind to explain. The day after I'm in my house thinking of Master Callos and what he had to say. I think that I was meant be their to see the two guys push the car off the street, to be given an example of what a real Martial artist should do. Not that I would know if they were ever apart of Martial arts, but what they did is a trait we should all carry within ourselves as Martial artist and as people. Although I consider this one moment to be my biggest mistake ever. I now consider it to be my lesson and I will train myself to never let that happen again. For I vow to when ever help is needed, help shall be their.

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