Monday, April 19, 2010


Today was good day for everyone, we all did our best. A few of us got injured but were all OK, they were all accidents. I think I would have to say that sparring is one of my strongest suits in martial arts out everything else like forms and all. Well anything that involves sparring against somebody. For today we had point sparring, where it's like kinda tournament style since we just try to get the points. Today I almost got hit in the groin and I got punched in the neck, but they were all accidents so it's cool, just means I got to be ready for those things for next time. This is the second time I get hit in the neck, the first time was a kick from my sister when we were sparring. the thing is that we didn't use boots so it was a plain slide side kick to the neck. (good times, good times) I wasn't able to finish my match with John because of a cramp but its all good( you owe me a match John) . We still have next Monday, and I'm pretty sure that well have plenty of sparring matches at week with out walls.

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