Thursday, April 22, 2010

On My Wall

On my wall I have only 5 belts that I have earned over the years. The others were thrown away by accident ( they were all in a black bag/ thrown away to the garbage). But the things I've learned weren't thrown away but kept. That's what I think is the most important, would be nice to have all of the belts I've earned over the years but these 5 have a special thing to them. ( only because I was old enough to realize how important they were to me) Not because they were higher then the rest, but they were what told me that I was getting closer to black, bringing me closer to becoming a Power Ranger. Although I can't transform in a crime fighting super hero, I could feel like a Power Ranger. But not just with the kicks or punches I've learned over the years but with the knowledge I learned through the years. The things like kindness, ,patience and butt kicking,( plus other things ETC.) these things were what made me keep these 5 belts on my wall. The things that made me who I am.

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