Thursday, April 29, 2010

My favorite books and the ones I've found most interesting

Kite Runner / I liked that it talks about a person's change VLAMIF, his feeling his thoughts and that caught my intention.

The Lucifer Effects / This book had a sociological side to it, the effects people have on other people's mind.

Us and Them / This introduced the idea of Otherness to me, since then the world hasn't been the same since.

His Holiness The Dalai Lama / I'm barley reading this book but regardless, the question's he makes me ask really make think, and I find it useful.

A New Member

About last week I introduced the Martial Arts ways to our newest member. This new member turned out being my girlfriend Jessica. One day we were talking and she was telling me how she wants to be outside the house more often. So I suggested she try out the school's sport and she was hesitant at first but after thinking about it she decided to do that. So she asked what sports should she try, I just what she wanted to do a lot of. She wanted something that would be a good way to use her time. After going over the school's sports she decided to give Martial Arts a chance. I told her that its not an easy thing and it will challenge you, but that didn't stop her. Now it's been two weeks and she's having trouble getting started but I know she can learn. As time comes by she'll progress and who knows, she just might make it her goal to become a black belt as well. It all depends on what she wants and what ever she decides I'll support her decision.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Just the other day during schools tutorial, we went out to the track to run. The thing is that I brought the wrong shoes, so I ran bear footed on the track. It was an interesting experience for me because at the end of all the running I went into class and I saw that I got these blisters on my toes. They looked like bubbles on my toes filled with blood, along with these blisters I got burns from the track. That day I learned I should always carry a pair of running shoes, you never know whenever you might go out for a run.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Red Over Black, Black Over Red

I finally got to this point where I have to push, push, and keep on pushing to the max. I've tooken my last test before the BB test and the time has come to push through all the hard work I will face. I have give more then what I usally do, even if it means two or three more push ups after my arms are about to give out. I need to control my breathing if I want to push myself harder then usal. I need to show and prove to myself that I want the Black Belt.

Through this whole time I've recorded my training, I havent really been talking about things aside my phisical status, here's a brief on how I've trained mentally. Now people could ask "how do you train mentally and I've asked my self that as well but it turned out pretty basic. What I did was read books this whole time. But not just any books, the book I read made me more aware of things of the human mind, and how we treat others. They all made me think and it did have change on my character since I now see things in a diffrent prospective. It's made me change the way I am towards things and it's changed me towards people.

Now another objective through this all was to train emotionally and I up until now it's been made clear. Now out of the three this must be my strongest suite, now I'll explain what this means. People are naturally problematic and this means we always look for drama. But their points in our lives were we have to just let things fly. Maybe an example could be at your school when the day before you got dumped by your long time girlfriend (same thing vise verse). So your at school, it's the worst day for you and your teacher is just nagging at you for not have done his work. Now to this people have many choices but summarize on the choices. one yell at him and get him mad to the point were your punished to the worst degree for your action. Or two just stay quite, keep control and let him say what he has to say. After all of that live on with your life. Now as hard as that could be for a few people it's the best choice because you avoid conflict with teacher, you don't get in trouble and being able to control actions in situations like those tell a lot about a persons character.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

On My Wall

On my wall I have only 5 belts that I have earned over the years. The others were thrown away by accident ( they were all in a black bag/ thrown away to the garbage). But the things I've learned weren't thrown away but kept. That's what I think is the most important, would be nice to have all of the belts I've earned over the years but these 5 have a special thing to them. ( only because I was old enough to realize how important they were to me) Not because they were higher then the rest, but they were what told me that I was getting closer to black, bringing me closer to becoming a Power Ranger. Although I can't transform in a crime fighting super hero, I could feel like a Power Ranger. But not just with the kicks or punches I've learned over the years but with the knowledge I learned through the years. The things like kindness, ,patience and butt kicking,( plus other things ETC.) these things were what made me keep these 5 belts on my wall. The things that made me who I am.

The Last Belt Before Black

Tomorrow will start the process of judgement day for me for tomorrow is my belt test for black over red ( unless the colors go backwards =) ). What happens after will all lead up to the black belt test. Man has time gone by, I remember when I was still a white belt. Only thing in my head was to be a Power Ranger, now things have changed by lot but I still want to become a Power Ranger. I've learned so much from people I've met over the years and I just cant believe the sun is starting to set for. (it's a belt thing/ Mr.G told me about it if you guys want to know more) From here on out I have to give it everything I have, there's no turning back.

Todays Practice

Today I spent my afternoon pratcing forms, So what I did was just go through all of the forms I know one by on.

This is what I did beform practice

warm-up / push ups/ sit ups/ squats/ lounges/ jumping jacks

these are the forms I practiced, Palgwe 1/ Palgwe 2/ Palgwe 3/ Palgwe 4/ Palgwe 6/ Palgwe 7

Chung-Mo 1, Chung-Mo 2, Chung-Mo 3, and Chung-Mo 4.


I went through them I got the feel for them, in other words untill I knew how to do them all. =)

Monday, April 19, 2010


Today was good day for everyone, we all did our best. A few of us got injured but were all OK, they were all accidents. I think I would have to say that sparring is one of my strongest suits in martial arts out everything else like forms and all. Well anything that involves sparring against somebody. For today we had point sparring, where it's like kinda tournament style since we just try to get the points. Today I almost got hit in the groin and I got punched in the neck, but they were all accidents so it's cool, just means I got to be ready for those things for next time. This is the second time I get hit in the neck, the first time was a kick from my sister when we were sparring. the thing is that we didn't use boots so it was a plain slide side kick to the neck. (good times, good times) I wasn't able to finish my match with John because of a cramp but its all good( you owe me a match John) . We still have next Monday, and I'm pretty sure that well have plenty of sparring matches at week with out walls.

Teaming up to do an act of kindness

For my act of kindness for this week I will be cleaning the school as a group with Steven, and Eloy. I'm acutally doing somthing similler with Armond as well but this will be taking place in our own communitys. I think this is a good idea since we all need an act kindness, and what better way to do that then by helping each. I'm looking forward for to this since its my finale test before off to take the BB test. I got a lot to learn for this test, like Pagwae 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7/ Choo mow 1, 2, 3, 4 along with Koryo. I've just learned choo mow 4 today ( thanks to Emmanule, and John), now I just need to practice and refreshen everything. Then I just have to get a refreshener on the basics.


I finally uploaded the video from the tournament, I hope you guys enjoy. Its my first time at the tournament so I learned a whole lot about it. I now just what to expect for the next tournament.


Thanks Mr. Po for your coaching. =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

first time at the tournament

Well last Sunday was my first trip to a tournament, and it was something I regret to not have gone before. It was totally new to me and I learned so much from it. The first thing we were all doing was forms. I had to wait a little but I watched and studied every one's form. I saw a few salutes that I thought were cool and two forms that I thought were the coolest I've seen. When I went up they told I'm automatically in the grand champion for being the only one in the advance category. But while doing my form ( pagway 4) I messed up by doing the same steps twice but I didn't stop and I kept going. They gave me a good score, and a ref from the side came up to me and told me that all under belts are allowed to ask for a redo. That he was in the same position as I was, and just to keep training. It was good to hear, it helped a lot (didn't catch his name though), and after what he told me I said thank you and we went on. I competed in the grand champion and although I didn't win, I learned allot from the other competitors.
We then went on to the sparring which wasn't really what I expected, but still I learned allot from everyone. I had to wait a while so I just stood watching the other fights and learning what was the most common kick there. The repeated side kick turned out being common the common one in a few fights. After a while passed by its my turn, now the idea I had was that we were going to a round type of thing going on. First one to seven points wins the first round, but I was wrong and that was were I messed up. I thought I'll keep what I got for the last rounds so I could see what he could do. I went in and I through a few kicks but I didn't go after him. I could of, his movements weren't as fast as I expected, but I gave him that chance to turn around and face me again. For this Mr. Po was my coach, and he was telling to go after him with combinations. but before I knew it was all over, at that point I was confused. I asked to myself did I win or lose, I'm pretty sure I laid more good fast hits on him. The last hit I remember was a punch to his forehead. I quickly turn to what I thought was a score bored(still not sure), a white card had 2 on it and the red one said 4. this got me totally confused, I thought we had to get 7 but I what I was truly doing was waiting for something to happen, I was studying my opponents moves. But they were pretty basic, well against me any ways(don't know if he changed his moves later on in the tournament.), I thought if I through a jump kick it would get him to start using those type of kicks as well so we could start getting more into it. But he stock to the ground and well he stayed there. But I lost and it was a learning experience, I could of had him but with the way I was thinking losing was part of the plan since the beginning.
But it was my first time and I'll be ready for the next tournament. I'm really wishing to cross paths with that martial artist again in the ring so I could actually go all out but for now I guess the best I could do is be patient learn his name and wait till I meet him again, for that rematch and give him a real match.