Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Belt test part1 Feb.

Well I've been training to participate in the upcoming belt test which means red advance. My first goal was to wright to 3 important and close people. Only one of the three is both important and close. The other two are very important to me and I'm proud to have written to them a letter. They all have something in common which was that they all had something important to teach me to turn me into the person that I'm today. So there pretty important, but they also have a great amount of respect from me. Even though I may not be the best person at times for them, I always try to make the proud in some way or in another. It wasn't really a hard picking since I've been writing about them and my opinion of what they teach me in my journal. But I guess the hardest part was trying to find a way to explain how much the three meant to me

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