Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Belt test part2 Feb.

Made Short: self defense and breaking

1. Procedures/ Black B = 5 judges/ Under= 3 judges/ specific mat sizes depending on age type of form/ judges on the side for open forms, corners for traditional forms/ Depending on type style uniform colors are white; Japanese, black; Korean/ Points= 2 for good, 1 OK, 0 no good nothing choreograph (for choreograph moves)/ 7-10 means players points stay same, 4-6 mean 5 points deducted by scorekeeper, 0-3 mean disqulified by scorekeeper/Restarts ONLY ONE per divison for all ranks in forms/ GandChampion score 9.90-10.00 and a $25 fee for who ever is schuedual or desire to compete but fails to comply, When ever money is advertised in G.C or in all divison player must be willing to compete to win the money/Ties= will broken by doing form again and will be broken vote

2. No other but props(people/weapons ONLY) could be used for traditional self defense

3. Sequence/ Wild cards only compete once/ by luck before original players

4. Time limit/ 3 minutes max. from when you enter the ring or when the music start which ever first.

5. Ties/ same as forms except in breaking, must be given a tie breaker by judges and can not perform again.

Belt test part1 Feb.

Well I've been training to participate in the upcoming belt test which means red advance. My first goal was to wright to 3 important and close people. Only one of the three is both important and close. The other two are very important to me and I'm proud to have written to them a letter. They all have something in common which was that they all had something important to teach me to turn me into the person that I'm today. So there pretty important, but they also have a great amount of respect from me. Even though I may not be the best person at times for them, I always try to make the proud in some way or in another. It wasn't really a hard picking since I've been writing about them and my opinion of what they teach me in my journal. But I guess the hardest part was trying to find a way to explain how much the three meant to me

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Right now my favorite character is Wolverine. Well he's always been the guy I would want to be. I just loved how he slashes out his claws and tears to pieces his enemy's. His anger would just push him to unbelievable measures. Never letting an obstacle stand in his way, he's the type of guy who follows the rule of "no pain, no game". Always putting himself in any situation no matter how dangers it is. Which is the main reason why love this character, is his ability to heal quickly. No damage is to life risking for him. That's probably the second power I wish I had. First is Jumper statues which means "jump" any were and at any time I want. Then comes healing factor. But the healing factor would come handy right now to help me deal with the soreness of today's workout.

Hard work

Man today was a hard workout, with school pushing our brains to exhaustion's and martial arts pushing our bodies. Not that I want it to stop, nor do I want it to enlarge in the school part. But as we all know what kind of school does not push their students. Its OK, I was told school would be hard when they asked if I wanted to go to school. I just wasn't expecting the hard work that came along with it. But its OK i'm a sophmore now so what can I do but push foward right? I could always just stop what I'm doing and let everything I've built fall, but whats the piont in that. Might as well finish what I started and once done, find somthing else to start a new.