Sunday, December 13, 2009

The New Challenge

It's the start of a journey, and I'm feeling excited. Can't wait for it to start so which is why I'm going to give it my all at every thing I do. None of that half way stuff, but going the whole way. Balancing my time is going to be the hard part. Can't be in two place's at once so I'm going to have to change a few more things in my daily life. Me , seriously I have no idea of what I've gotten my self into, but that's OK. It's like a quote I thought of, seeing is believing, but some of the greatest things in life are the things we can't see. This new thing is going to change and help my life in all the different ways. First of all, it's going to help me train for the upcoming belt tests. It's going put me in the best physical and mental shape of my life. Plus it's going to make a change, so I'm excited. But none of that is going to happen unless I push myself towards the end. I don't mean the end of this challenge, but until I'm six feet under. So this is something I'm going to keep with me for the rest of my life.It's OK if I work until my muscles are swore, and I can't move. It'll just tell me that the next day is going to be interesting. (How are you supposed to go through school when your to swore to even move a finger.) But it's OK because that's just what I want. My life goal, to have a story so that when I have grand children I can look back and tell them what I did. Basic meaning to my goal, just live life and make all my own choices. Have nobody decide for me and not be let told I can't do something I want to do with all my heart.
So for the people who tell me I can't this is what I say, " you just watch me do it" and that will be my punch in the face for you. I know that I'll be handing out a whole lot of those,(the world is full of people like that) but it's OK, just need to keep my cool. I just have to keep myself going forward never backwards. I just need to keep going no matter how many times I fall or stay at some point. As long as I advance forward I can take all the time I need. I'm just going to keep at it. Finishing this challenge will just be one success, but theirs still going to be more in life. I got a whole bunch of challenges right now. [ Basket Ball, Martial arts, school, car, project cars, work, home, friends, girlfriend, pets, family, health, time, and etc.] I don't want to loose any of these things. But I know people would say I can't keep all of them. But what if I say I can and I will, that I won't take every body's advice( some people have good advice) and I'll just follow my own. I'm going to do all of theses things, might take me a while but I'm going to do them. I'm Juan and I'm going to live like a champion.

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