Friday, November 27, 2009

Ready set go!

Hi my name is Juan, I'm 15 and I'm into a whole lot of things. I spend my time with friends or doing some sort of work. I have a younger sister and brother, who spend most of the time killing each other. I'm in sophomore year at LPS high school and I've enjoyed my time there. I made most of my friends there. I'm in the basket ball team and I'm a red belt in martial arts. My master and English honors 2 teacher is Mr. G. He's one of my favorites because of the way he's able to male the class feel. It's like I'm in college, Right now I'm aiming to get my black belt and these are my requirements.....

1.(mind) 5-7 pg. research paper on a topic related to my training/ Martial arts

2.(physical) 150 hours of training in and out of class/ 150 bottles of water consumed/ 300 miles worth running, cycling, swimming, ect./300 minutes of sparring and bag work/ 1000 minutes spent doing diff. kinds of split/ 1000 repetitions of traditional forms/ 10,000 kicks/ 10,000 squats, push-ups, crouches, etc.

3.(spirit) a recording of my challenges and success.

This all has to be done for me to get my black belt. So far I only have 600 push-ups and 600 crouches. All done on my on time, when ever I had the time. My basket ball practices have had me run at least something of 10 miles as far as I can remember. This all sounds hard because it is, having to balance social, basket ball, school, work, family, girlfriend, friends, martial arts. Man, I haven't been able to go to any of my martial arts classes because of other things needing me. But its not a reason for me to just give up, this whole thing will need me to make changes in my daily life and as hard as it is I'm not going to give up. It might take me a while to succeed but I'm going to. All I can say to my self is get ready for the hard times ahead, get set to be face to face to every thing I thought as impossible, and go. Go for it because in the end I'll be on top with my friends and family already there waiting for me, waiting to say "good job"

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