Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Day At Work

Today I woke up at 8:30 in the morning. I got my book, I had a glass of milk with my cookies, The keys to truck and my dad. Its been a while since I've driven on the road so it felt like meeting an old friend I haven't seen in a long time. Excited to be with Him/Her, but at the same time nervous and scared. Nervous because you don't know how everything is going to go. Scared because you don't know if your going to be able to recognize your old friend. I know I did as I was driving to Santa Clara, the turns I use to be able to take with such ease looked as if I was going through them at a faster pace then before, and the only thought I had in my head was "Can I Keep Up With My Old Friend?". I did and that started my day, some way of starting a good Saturday huh.
So I get down the truck I the first thing I do, fix the trucks left tail light, the light bulb was broken so you couldn't see my left signal light. After trying to figure out how to take the head light off a client/friend comes by and lends me a hand. He shows me there are clips that hold the head light, I say thank you and I go get the bulb and replace it. Next I go help Help a another one of my dads employees "Becho" put together a transmission to its engine. Once that was done he put it together and laid it inside the Nissan Altima. Put things together just how they were before and started to check if everything was in place using special tools for the job. My dad and I were installing the original muffler for a Honda civic.
That turned out good, I moved on to the next search for a radiator for (dads/mine) our 68 Camaro. Were 20% done but we gut a long way to go and that's OK. A lot of people are looking forward to see it wake up from its deep slumber. I had no luck not meaning I didn't find any but they were just to expensive to buy. My dad left to go check out a 65 mustang a man was selling him(man knew my dad wouldn't turn down pretty good offer). What he didn't know my dad knows just how much things could be worth after being examined. Man was selling the car for 4 grand, seems like a pretty good buy, but the car had the front right smashed in. Nothing to serious or out of our level of fixing. My dad offered 2,500, the man called my dad crazy and left. I just smiled, theres no way my dad can be hustled when it comes down to cars.
He always has a plan to make things work for him, which is a bad ass thing about him. I start walking around counting my steps, I count 63 steps walking car to car asking whats wrong with them or whats left to be done on them (before I'm needed again). My dad tells me "we have to get things cleaned up" so that's what we do. We start to organize the CATS/ catilick converters into different category's. We stop and its time for lunch, so I head out to Pollo loco and I get 2 orders of nachos. A chicken salad for my dad, lunch is over we get back to moving things around. I thought of it as weight lifting, each CAT weighing at least 10. The thing to this to was that it involved a lot of team work, my dad threw the CAT at me, I caught them and placed them were they belong. Once we were done it was time to go home, I brought in the cars and we left.
Again I faced against the same feelings for the road, but I got home. I took a shower got changed into shorts and a shirt. I had fish for dinner and after I typed this, now that I think about it, its easier to read about my day then to have gone through it. But its OK I prefer it like that any ways. Meaning I wouldn't want to miss A Day At Work.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ready set go!

Hi my name is Juan, I'm 15 and I'm into a whole lot of things. I spend my time with friends or doing some sort of work. I have a younger sister and brother, who spend most of the time killing each other. I'm in sophomore year at LPS high school and I've enjoyed my time there. I made most of my friends there. I'm in the basket ball team and I'm a red belt in martial arts. My master and English honors 2 teacher is Mr. G. He's one of my favorites because of the way he's able to male the class feel. It's like I'm in college, Right now I'm aiming to get my black belt and these are my requirements.....

1.(mind) 5-7 pg. research paper on a topic related to my training/ Martial arts

2.(physical) 150 hours of training in and out of class/ 150 bottles of water consumed/ 300 miles worth running, cycling, swimming, ect./300 minutes of sparring and bag work/ 1000 minutes spent doing diff. kinds of split/ 1000 repetitions of traditional forms/ 10,000 kicks/ 10,000 squats, push-ups, crouches, etc.

3.(spirit) a recording of my challenges and success.

This all has to be done for me to get my black belt. So far I only have 600 push-ups and 600 crouches. All done on my on time, when ever I had the time. My basket ball practices have had me run at least something of 10 miles as far as I can remember. This all sounds hard because it is, having to balance social, basket ball, school, work, family, girlfriend, friends, martial arts. Man, I haven't been able to go to any of my martial arts classes because of other things needing me. But its not a reason for me to just give up, this whole thing will need me to make changes in my daily life and as hard as it is I'm not going to give up. It might take me a while to succeed but I'm going to. All I can say to my self is get ready for the hard times ahead, get set to be face to face to every thing I thought as impossible, and go. Go for it because in the end I'll be on top with my friends and family already there waiting for me, waiting to say "good job"