Thursday, May 13, 2010

This is It End of One Story

The time has come were everything leading up to this point will be put the test, all the hard work and all that I have learned. In a process of five days John, Athena, Emmanuel, and I will go to the destination of our BB test. Along with our peers and friends who come to train with us and help us through out most of the test. Im looking forward to it and I can't wait for what is in store for us.

For Joining me through
This Journey But
It Is Time to end
one Journey and start ANOTHER

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Times have changed

Man have things changed since I've first started my training, and its been a long journey I am proud to have been committed to. Things I do today were not the same for as when I started out. I guess through time you gain experience in your training. You get to see what would help you, and could be changed to make better. When I started my training, my kicks weren't as strong but then my old teacher explained to me if we turn our hips with the kick, you'll grow momentum. which increased my impact, so I worked with that. Just a couple of weeks ago, we were working on our jump kicks, and through those kicks I felt that I was doing something wrong. That feeling came from the back of my hips. So what I did was level my body with the kick . This helped a whole lot, and its these small little things we pick up as we train that matter at the end.