Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How Was Your Day? =)

Today was my second day at school since my return from Christmas break. My break was OK, but I think could of been better. Its OK though because I was around happy family members and friends and what could be better. But the break is over and I'm in school now and now we got to prepare for upcoming challenges. Like studying, and work to to prepare us for the finals. But aside from that every things good, I'm still breathing. Today I went to my live like a champion class after school and it was great. I give my self an 8 because I know there was bit more left of energy that could of kept me going further and harder. This just tells me I have to make up for that and once I keep that level 10 line high for me. I mean were would all the fun be if I got to the line and I just kept jumping over it with such ease. So I got to keep the line high for more improvements. I was sore after class and I still feel the sore in my legs but its OK, it just makes my day. Besides I think I'll be feeling this tomorrow and aside from that I got a basket ball game. If we want to win the Whole team is going to have to put out there all. Including me and that's just what I'm gonna do. I know theirs going to be days were one day going to push my body's to its limits just so I can pass them, and the next day I'm going to have a game which will need of me a whole lot. So how was my day you may ask, it was good, next time its going to be better.